completely unnecessary cat picture
Links of Note 2024-11-11
I loved the detail in this review. App Review Paper Havn. The app pricing is mad. But the review itself was fantastic.
Sometimes I wonder about what Gruber is smoking. He is trying to make an argument for the asinine placement of the charging port in the Magic Mouse. Daring Fireball In Defense, I Swear, of the Magic Mouse’s Charging Port Placement.
Then again, he writes Daring Fireball I Wonder and I am amused.
I wonder too, what taste Cheetos-dusted 78-year-old testicles leave in one’s mouth. Whatever the flavor, I hope it lingers.
This is also why I keep reading everything he writes. Daring Fireball How It Went.
An interesting take on Emacs. What is or why Emacs The Art Of Not Asking Why
Feature-bloat. My Coffee Maker Just Makes Coffee
Be careful. s l o w r o a d s
Now that is a deep dive down the keyboard rabbit hole. A Modern Space Cadet Steve Losh
Diving into BBEdit is something I encourage. The wonderful rabbit hole of BBEdit
macosxguru at the gmail thingie.
Note: Thanks to Photo by Tranmautritam